women's ministry

Connie Moore Director of Women's Ministry has a heart for women.  She has served as a regional director for Women's Ministry for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, been involved in local church ministry for decades and has poured her life into helping women thrive in their walk with the Lord and all the areas where women have influence--including the home, the family, the church and their work. She is passionate about teaching women truth from God's Word with authenticity and encouraging women to apply it in everyday life.  You'll enjoy women's conferences. women's bible studies (study of Joshua begins in February), women's lunches, hospitality opportunities and enjoying the journey of becoming the fullness of God's desire and design for women. 

Getting to know you

Women's Ministry is about coming along side each other no matter the reason to be a "Jesus with skin on".  Someone you can see, touch, laugh with, cry with and pray with to a God who loves us and hears our prayers. It's about reaching out to others to build up the body of Christ among women, so we can know Christ and make him known to others.  To minister to women who may be looking for "something more in their lives"...friends and a relationship with our Lord and Savior.  It's about growing and becoming empowered to "do more" to create and develop areas of service to our community and to our Lord.  When women are working toward the same goals, that's when we are able to see the best part of each other.  We draw out the gold in each other to become who God created us to be.  This ministry belongs to each of us, is inclusive, a safe place where we can give our time, service, and fellowship and most importantly, give God all the honor and glory.